Nina Gerlach
Nina Gerlach received her M.A. (hons.) in History of Art, Media and Communication Studies and Ancient History from the University of Heidelberg and Mannheim. She also studied Media Art and Film at the University of Arts and Design (HFG) in Karlsruhe. In 2010 she received her PhD from the University of Heidelberg, department of History of Art (Prof. Dr. Michael Hesse and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Müller, TU Dresden).
Her first book was published in 2012 and it examines the use of gardens as a visual argument in epistemological and moral-philosophical discourses in cinema since 1945 (Gartenkunst im Spielfilm. Das Filmbild als Argument. Wilhelm Fink Verlag). Between 2010-2013 Gerlach was a Member of the NCCR Iconic Criticism (Eikones - University of Basel). In her project, entitled Social Media, Video & the Art Scene – Conditions and Consequences of Diffusion of Media Innovation she explores the influence of online video platforms (YouTube, Vimeo) on art and the art scene. By synthesizing divergent theoretical approaches (intericonic, system and viscourse theory and science of the mind) she also enriches contemporary art theory. At present Nina Gerlach holds a professorship in Aesthetics and Art Sciences at the Academy of Fine Arts - Münster.
Gerlach has received multiple awards (PhD Fellowship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes/German National Academic Foundation, Visiting Research Readership and Fellowship from Harvard University, Ulrich Hahn Prize and August Grisebach Prize from the University of Heidelberg, Award for Outstanding Commitment to the University/ Team-Award for the Interdisciplinary Forum from the Alumni of the University of Heidelberg and Publication Grants from the Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim and the Excellence Initiative/University of Heidelberg) and outstanding teaching evaluations (Positions at the University of Heidelberg, Basel, Friedrichshafen and Cologne: 2006-2015).
Research and Teaching:
Aesthetics, Image and Media Theory (Digital Arts, Video Art, Film, Garden Art)
Digital Change, Art and the Art Scene (Painting as Big Data Visualization, Social Media Displays)
Art, Physics and Future Studies
Contemporary Art (Visual Ethics, Epistemology, Diversity, Conception of Man)
Sociology and Theory of Art (20th and 21th Century)
Cognitive and Cultural Conditions of Innovation
Her first book was published in 2012 and it examines the use of gardens as a visual argument in epistemological and moral-philosophical discourses in cinema since 1945 (Gartenkunst im Spielfilm. Das Filmbild als Argument. Wilhelm Fink Verlag). Between 2010-2013 Gerlach was a Member of the NCCR Iconic Criticism (Eikones - University of Basel). In her project, entitled Social Media, Video & the Art Scene – Conditions and Consequences of Diffusion of Media Innovation she explores the influence of online video platforms (YouTube, Vimeo) on art and the art scene. By synthesizing divergent theoretical approaches (intericonic, system and viscourse theory and science of the mind) she also enriches contemporary art theory. At present Nina Gerlach holds a professorship in Aesthetics and Art Sciences at the Academy of Fine Arts - Münster.
Gerlach has received multiple awards (PhD Fellowship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes/German National Academic Foundation, Visiting Research Readership and Fellowship from Harvard University, Ulrich Hahn Prize and August Grisebach Prize from the University of Heidelberg, Award for Outstanding Commitment to the University/ Team-Award for the Interdisciplinary Forum from the Alumni of the University of Heidelberg and Publication Grants from the Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim and the Excellence Initiative/University of Heidelberg) and outstanding teaching evaluations (Positions at the University of Heidelberg, Basel, Friedrichshafen and Cologne: 2006-2015).
Research and Teaching:
Aesthetics, Image and Media Theory (Digital Arts, Video Art, Film, Garden Art)
Digital Change, Art and the Art Scene (Painting as Big Data Visualization, Social Media Displays)
Art, Physics and Future Studies
Contemporary Art (Visual Ethics, Epistemology, Diversity, Conception of Man)
Sociology and Theory of Art (20th and 21th Century)
Cognitive and Cultural Conditions of Innovation

Post-Medium Condition and Intericonic Art Theory. On the Self-Invention of Online Video Art“.
In: Journal of Art History/Konsthistorisk tidskrift
83/1, 2014, S. 24-39.
83/1, 2014, S. 24-39.

Online-Videoportale als hybride Ausstellungsräume des postmedialen Zeitalters und das kunstwissenschaftliche Instrument der kognitiven Metapher
In: Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte,
77/1, 2014, S. 117-130.
77/1, 2014, S. 117-130.
Historical Garden Design as an Ethical Argument in Movies - „Certain Gardens are described as retreats when they are really attacks.“
In: Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes,
33/2, 2013, S. 96-108.
33/2, 2013, S. 96-108.

Automedialität und Künstlerschaft. Film - Video - Internet: Künstlerische Selbstdarstellung in der Geschichte des Bewegtbildes.
In: Das öffentliche Ich. Selbstdarstellungen im literarischen und medialen Kontext.
Kaufmann V./Schmid U./Thomä D. (Hg.)
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2014, S. 133-157.
Kaufmann V./Schmid U./Thomä D. (Hg.)
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2014, S. 133-157.

Online-Videokunst und Interpiktorialität - Kunsttheorie zwischen Bildern.
In: Interpiktorialität. Theorie und Geschichte der Bild-Bild-Bezüge.
Guido Isekenmeier (Hg.)
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2013, S. 237-260.
Guido Isekenmeier (Hg.)
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2013, S. 237-260.

Das kinematographische Bild der Vierten Natur.
In: Geschichte der Gartenkunst in Deutschland. Von der frühen Neuzeit bis in die Moderne.
Schweizer, S./ Winter, S. (Hg.)
Schnell & Steiner Verlag, 2012, S. 479-491.
Schweizer, S./ Winter, S. (Hg.)
Schnell & Steiner Verlag, 2012, S. 479-491.

Gartenkunst im Spielfilm. Das Filmbild als Argument.
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2012, 507 S. (Rezensionen u.a.: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 07.08.2012; MEDIENwissenschaft, 8/2, 2013).

Der Tierfilm zwischen Repräsentation und Simulation
In: Referenz in den Medien. Dokumentation - Simulation - Docutainment
Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (Hg.)
Marburg, 2009, S. 94-107.
Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft (Hg.)
Marburg, 2009, S. 94-107.

Barocke Gartenkunst im Spielfilm. Teil II: Bühne - Festkultur und mise en abyme
In: Die Gartenkunst,
20/1, 2008, S. 174-184.
20/1, 2008, S. 174-184.

Barocke Gartenkunst im Spielfilm. Teil I: Set-Design medialer Herrschaftsräume
In: Die Gartenkunst,
20/1, 2008, S. 165-173.
20/1, 2008, S. 165-173.